* ingredients:

+To prepare dough:
°150 gram flour
°120 gram butter
°50 gram sugar
°pinch vanilla powder
° of salt
Calories = high
To decorate:
°1 fresh pineapple
°80 grams raisins
°30 grams of sugar
°30 grams butter
°2cl rum
Calories = high

* Preparation steps :

Soaking raisins in  saucepan of lukewarm water.
Preheat oven on 7 . thermostat
(210 degrees Celsius). Cut the pineapple into quarters, remove the fibrous core and peel. Cut the quarters into 1 cm thick pieces.
Heat 30 g of butter in a non-stick frying pan and fry the pineapple pieces for 2 minutes over high heat. Sweeten and continue cooking for two minutes. Removing to heat, sprinkling with rum, & leave to cold .
Prepare the dough: Sift the flour into a large bowl, add the butter in pieces, sugar, vanilla and salt. Mix these ingredients with your fingertips to get a very coarse shortbread mixture.
Drain the raisins and put them in an oven dish with pineapple. Sprinkle lightly, then distribute evenly over the crumb dough. Enter the oven and bake for 20 minutes.

Enjoy !