
°400-500 grams of spaghetti.
°1½ cups. From the cherry tomatoes, I cut them in half.
°1 cubed cucumber.
°2 zucchini cubes.
°1 green capsicum cut into cubes.
°1 red capsicum cut into cubes.
°1 red onion, diced.
°can be able. Sliced black olives must be filtered before use.
+For the dresses I used:
°1 bottle of Italian sauce.
°Half a cup of grated Parmesan cheese.
°1 tablespoon of sesame.
°1 teaspoon of paprika.
°1 teaspoon of celery seeds.
°Half a teaspoon of garlic powder.

*How to make :

I cooked the pasta according to package directions, then drained it and rinsed it with cold water.

Next, pick up the vegetable dice. Mix zucchini, cherry tomatoes, green and red peppers, red onions, cucumbers and black olives in a large mixing bowl.

For the dressing, I whisked together the Italian dressing, sesame seeds, grated Parmesan cheese, bell pepper, celery seed, and garlic powder in another mixing bowl.

At the end, I mixed the cooked pasta with the chopped vegetables and olives, then poured the dressing over it and mixed all the ingredients well.

I put the container in the fridge for at least 3 hours after covering it with plastic wrap.

I hope you enjoy this easy salad, it is very nutritious and rich!! Kids will love it too because of the colorful veggies!! SO TRY 

Enjoy !