Do you cringe when you see your shower doors and rails covered in limescale and mineral deposits? If you've neglected to clean them up like me, now's the time to tackle the job with two simple ingredients. Here is a step by step guide on how to effectively clean shower doors and rails.

*years of neglect
When we first moved into our house, there was already buildup on the bathroom door frame and tracks. I don't know how to clean it and maybe a bit lazy, I just ignored it. But recently I realized that I can't ignore it anymore. So, I embarked on a cleaning journey, determined to bring the shine back to my shower doors.

Before diving into the process and results, let me share an overview of the task at hand with an earlier photo. Although it does not fully explain the extent of the buildup, it will give you an idea of the challenge you faced.

**Step 1: Gather supplies
To effectively clean shower doors and rails, you only need two simple ingredients: white vinegar and baking soda. These homemade staples are powerful and gentle enough to tackle tough stains and deposits without harsh chemicals.

**Step Two: Sprinklng baking soda
Start by sprinkling a generous amount of baking soda on the bathroom door tracks. The alkaline properties of baking soda help remove stubborn dirt and deposits.

**Step three: pour vinegar
Next, pour white vinegar over the baking soda. When the vinegar reacts with the baking soda, it creates a bubbling reaction that helps loosen and lift buildup.

For Ingredients And Complete Cooking Instructions Please Head On keep  on Reading  (>)