Lady Brownies Lunch is moist, full of chocolate flavor and absolutely delicious. They're like the ones the lunch ladies made to sweeten school lunches, but I think this homemade version is even better!
They're like the ones the lunch ladies made to sweeten school lunches, but this homemade version is even better!

I've been on a brownie kick lately. It could be the stress of selling our house (which we eventually sold. Great!) and it could also be the stress before the next new house is built. I am not sure. All I know is that these brownies were heaven sent from above. And that I ate 4 of them. Real. 😉

Lady Brownie Lunch This Lady Brownie Lunch is simply amazing. Fudgy, fluffy and absolutely amazing. Apparently it's an old recipe from the pretty ladies who made lunches in elementary school. Honestly, I don't remember cakes in elementary school, but I do remember rolls and pizza. Remember how good the buns were? After eating I walked around the lunch table asking everyone if I could have it. haha.


For Ingredients And Complete Cooking Instructions Please Head On keep  on Reading  (>)