1. Bleach Solution:
A reliable method to disinfect a toilet brush involves soaking it in a bleach solution (1 part bleach to 6 parts water) for about an hour, followed by a thorough rinse and complete drying. This method ensures a high level of disinfection.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide:
As an alternative household disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide offers a similar effect to bleach. Soaking the brush in hydrogen peroxide, then rinsing it well, can effectively sanitize the tool.

3. Vinegar and Baking Soda:
For those seeking a more natural approach, a mixture of vinegar and baking soda can disinfect and deodorize the toilet brush. This method should also involve a comprehensive rinse to remove any residual cleaning agents.

Guidelines for Toilet Brush Care
Post-Use Drying: Ensure the toilet brush dries entirely after each use before storing it back in its holder to prevent moisture accumulation, which can encourage bacterial growth.

Regular Cleaning: Adopt one of the aforementioned alternative cleaning methods to regularly disinfect and maintain the toilet brush.

Routine Replacement: Consider replacing the toilet brush periodically or if it shows significant wear and tear to maintain optimal cleanliness.

While the notion of cleaning a toilet brush in the dishwasher might offer a tempting shortcut, it's not a recommended practice due to the risks of cross-contamination and potential damage. Employing alternative cleaning methods not only guarantees the thorough sanitation of your toilet brush but also preserves the hygiene and safety of your kitchenware. Adhering to best practices in sanitation and maintenance is crucial for ensuring the well-being of your household.