For Age Spots and Hyperpigmentation

Lemon: Its brightening and exfoliating properties help reduce dark spots. Apply lemon juice with a cotton pad on the affected area, leave for 10 minutes, and rinse with water. Use in the evening to avoid photosensitivity.

Ginger: Known in Ayurvedic medicine for its anti-aging and antioxidant properties. Rub a slice of ginger root on the affected area 2-3 times a day for about six weeks.

Pineapple: Rich in phenol and sulfur compounds, effective against hyperpigmentation. Apply pineapple juice to the face, leave for a few minutes, then rinse and apply a moisturizing mask.

For Removing Blackheads

Tomato: With its disinfecting properties, tomatoes can eliminate blackheads. Clean your face, apply tomato slices for about 15 minutes, and rinse with lukewarm water.

Lemon and Yogurt: The combination of citric acid from lemons with the properties of yogurt helps to regulate skin and remove blackheads.