The Mystery of Green Lights on Vehicles

Unlike the standard headlights or brake lights, green lights on cars serve specialized roles. These are typically reserved for specific governmental and emergency functions, used by departments such as Homeland Security, Transportation, and even by fire services, including volunteer fire brigades.

Why Green?

Homeland Security and Transportation: For patrolling or safeguarding vital government infrastructure.

Fire Services: Especially among volunteer firefighters and first responders.

However, these rules might differ from state to state. Some might recognize a flashing green light as an emergency signal. So, when you come across green lights, it's always a good idea to exercise caution - slow down, perhaps change lanes, or even pull over, depending on the situation.

Is a Green Light Upgrade Legal for Your Car?

While the allure of having green lights might be tempting, remember that legality varies. In some states, equipping your vehicle with such lights could lead to legal issues. For instance, North Dakota allows non-flashing green lights that aren't visible from the front. But, before you make any modifications, it's best to check the rules in your jurisdiction.

Colors of Caution: Other Emergency Vehicle Lights

Emergency vehicles often communicate through a spectrum of colors, each conveying a distinct message.

Red Lights: Predominantly for emergency response vehicles - police, fire trucks, and ambulances. Some states might combine red with blue or even white, particularly to assist those with color vision deficiencies.

Blue Lights: A signature hue for law enforcement across the U.S.

White Lights: These work alongside colored lights, enhancing the visibility of emergency vehicles.

Amber Lights: These are cautionary signals, typically found on slow-moving vehicles. Always give these vehicles ample space.

Purple Lights: An uncommon sight, reserved for funeral processions or vehicles associated with medical examiners.