** bathroom cleaner:
°Equal parts Dawn blue & white vinegar
°I use 1 c of each.
°I measure 1c vinegar into a 2c measuring cup.
Heat it in the microwave for a minute, then pour it at dawn until the liquid level is 2°C.
Pour (use a funnel if needed) into a spray bottle.
I've discovered that incorporating it right into a measuring cup method sunrise is much less wasted and that i do not ought to get out a spoon to make a big mess of soap.😉
Spraying it on and allow it take a seat down for 10 minutes, then wipe it off with a kitchen sponge and rinse it off with water.
++ Loyalty alert: Depending on how lengthy it is been considering that I remaining wiped clean the bathroom, I can commonly use the gentle aspect of a kitchen sponge...every now and then while I'm lazy I want to apply the tough side. But anyway, I can't say I have to use elbow grease to clean things up. 🙂