* Ingredients :

° 1 refrigerated pizza dough tube
° 1 teaspoon melted butter
° 1 crushed garlic clove
° 3/4 c grated mozzarella 
° 1 tsp parmesan
° 1 teaspoon of dried oregano leaves optional

* Instructions :

Heat oven 425 F.
Sprinkling pizza dough on  baking sheet line with paper.
Mixing melt butter & crush garlic, then spreading on over entire pizza crust.
Sprinkling mozzarella & Parmesan cheese equally on pizza dough. Then sprinkle the dried oregano evenly over the face.
Before baking, cut the cheese-covered pizza dough into 16 equal rectangles using a pizza cutter or large knife.
Bake for 12 minutes until cheese melts and turns lightly golden.
Remove from the oven and cut the bread before serving.

Enjoy !