I promise you, once you finish this, you will feel amazing about yourself! I still don't understand why I've been putting this trick off for no apparent reason, because it just takes about three minutes from beginning to end. Are you inspired? Get the stovetop or dishwasher clean next!

The Right Ingredients for Cleaning Oven Glass

baking soda, aluminum foil, and half a cup of boiling water or vinegar.


Cover the oven glass with boiling water.

Toss in some baking soda until everything is covered. Allow to rest for half a minute.

Curl up the tin foil and scrape it in circles for a minute or two.

Eliminate any surplus with a moist paper towel.

Repeated wiping with water will remove the baking soda stains.

The oven door will be spotless once you wipe it with a dry paper towel.