Winter Care and Vegetative Awakening

These tropical gems are particularly suited for winter cultivation. Whether in bulb or rhizome form, they adjust well to cooler temperatures, preparing for a vibrant awakening in spring. But how can you ensure your orchid has everything it needs for a stunning bloom?

Romain Le Tallec's Expert Tips for Orchid Care

In this guide, we share insights from Romain Le Tallec, a renowned florist from Lyon, on how to naturally accelerate the blooming process of your orchids at home.

Natural Fertilizers for a Spectacular Bloom

Banana Peel Magic: A fantastic source of vitamins and minerals, banana peels can be soaked in water to create a nutrient-rich solution for your orchids.

Eggshell Boost: Crushed eggshells, rich in calcium and potassium, can be sprinkled on the orchid's soil for an added nutrient boost.

Fireplace Ash Fertilizer: Don't discard those fireplace ashes! Rich in essential nutrients, they can be mixed into your orchid's soil to enhance flowering.

Banana Tea & Powder: Both sun-dried and oven-dried banana peels can be transformed into a beneficial tea or powder, serving as an excellent orchid fertilizer.

Vegetable Cooking Water: An unexpected yet effective fertilizer, the nutrient-rich water from boiled vegetables can give your orchids an extra boost.

Fertilizing Schedule and Tips

Use these natural fertilizers judiciously, especially during winter. Over-fertilization can harm your orchids. Start with monthly applications, increasing frequency as new shoots appear.

Troubleshooting: Why Isn't My Orchid Blooming?

If your orchid isn't blooming, it might be due to insufficient light or humidity. Remember, orchids prefer indirect sunlight and a warm, humid environment.