Once considered a mere garden pest, Purslane, or Verdolaga as it’s called in some regions, is now celebrated as a gastronomic and health treasure. You might know it by other names such as pigweed or hogweed, but whatever you call it, Purslane is a weed that’s worth paying attention to.

Celebrated figures like Mahatma Gandhi have sung its praises, and its recent comeback into the limelight is attributed to the findings of Dr. Artemis Simopoulos. During her time at the National Institutes of Health, she found that Purslane boasts the highest Omega-3 levels of any green plant. This revelation transformed the perspective of many towards this unassuming plant.

Imagine a leaf that combines a lemony tang with a peppery zing - that’s Purslane for you. Sergio Vitale, the mastermind behind Aldo’s Ristorante Italiano in Chicago, recalls the flavors of Purslane from his childhood in Italy.

Historically, Purslane has been a part of the American culinary scene, with figures like Martha Washington enjoying its unique taste. Its popularity waned in the 1900s, but the recent years have witnessed its triumphant return, thanks to innovative chefs and foragers.

If you're considering adding Purslane to your diet, remember to wash it thoroughly to remove any pesticide traces. Its mildly salty and tart flavor enhances salads and other dishes. Here's a delightful Purslane-based recipe for you:

Purslane and Basil Pesto

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