The Water Glass Method: A Simple Technique

Prepare the Rose: Start by snipping a rose stem right below the bloom. Count five nodes down the stem and make a slanted cut below this fifth node. The angled cut enhances the rooting capability.

Aloe Vera Gel Preparation: From an aloe vera leaf, extract the inner pulp. Use an immersion blender to create a smooth gel and place it in a glass.

Rooting Process: Immerse the rose cutting in this gel, allowing it to sit for five days. After this period, plant the cutting in high-quality peat. The remaining gel can be used as a foliar spray.

Alternative Propagation Methods

Using Aloe Vera as a Protective Sheath: Another innovative approach involves inserting a rose cutting directly into an aloe vera stem. Create a mixture of expanded clay and soil in a jar. Plant the cutting and cover it with more soil. The encapsulating aloe vera prevents excessive moisture absorption, facilitating root growth.

Plastic Bottle Propagation: Repurpose a plastic bottle by slicing it in half and making drainage holes at its base. Fill it with a mix of expanded clay and peat. After hydrating the mix, insert a prepared rose cutting and cover it using the bottle's top half. This creates a mini-greenhouse effect, ideal for rooting.

A Blooming Success in a Bottle

The third technique involves placing a clean small rose branch in a bottle filled halfway with water. For an aromatic touch, you can introduce a few drops of essential oil. Over a week, you'll witness the branch sprouting.

With these methods at your fingertips, roses won't just be a fleeting beauty but an evergreen addition to your space. Welcome to a rose haven right at your home!