
•1 box (10 oz) prepared pizza dough
•1 tsp butter, melted
•1 clove garlic
•1/2 c mozzarella cheese, grated
•1 tablespoon of parmesan
•1 tablespoon dried basil
•salt and pepper to taste

*How to making

Preheat oven 425.
Blend butter | garlic in bowl and set apart.
Unroll the pizza dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and brush it with the butter and garlic mixture.
Sprinkling cheese .
Using pizza cutter and cutting dough to stick shapes (lengthwise into 7 long strips and crosswise into 3 strips). Do not separate strips.
Bake for 10 to 12 min 
Cut along each strip and remove from the baking sheet.
Serve the sticks hot with the marinara sauce.

Enjoy !