As a teenager, I spent the summer in Detroit, USA with a foster family. My mom was a wonderful pastry chef who made desserts all the time... and she gave me many of these recipes at the time, including these no-bake cookies, which are easy to make - a perfect recipe to make with kids - and in turn, I share it with you!  You can of course customize it with other dried fruits for example, cocoa powder etc.

*Ingredients list :

°250 grams of sugar (I advise you to put only 200 grams at the end, even for those who do not like sugar too much 150 grams)
°1 vanilla bean
°50gm chocolate chips
° A few roasted/salted peanuts (or almonds etc.)
°120 ml milk
°100 grams of peanut butter (or almond cream, or honey.. in this case reduce the sugar!)
°200gm instant oats

* Recipe steps :

In a saucepan, heat the milk, butter, sugar and vanilla (vanilla sugar, capsule seeds, liquid extract...)
When it's hot, pour everything over the oatmeal and stir
Then add the chocolate chips and peanut butter
Place small mounds with a large spoon on a baking tray lined with baking paper, spreading if necessary with the back of the spoon
Sprinkle with chocolate chips and salted roasted peanuts
Keep cool until cookies take on a tighter consistency, at least 2 hours
Your cookies will stay cold for days!

Enjoy !