This is an effective way to eliminate all cockroaches in the home.


If you are one of those who like natural and homemade recipes to get rid of cockroaches.

Mix 2 cups ammonia with semi a medium bowl of water & apply it to places and surfaces where roaches

The using of boric acid to combat cockroaches
Also, boric acid is no less dangerous than the previous one, you can make blinding flour, sugar is also boric acid, and as soon as the cockroach comes into contact with this mixture, it will serve as a vector of infection for the rest. . . . 
It should be noted that these two mixtures (boric acid and borax powder) should be kept out of the reach of children and pets in the home, in order to avoid any potential risks to their health. How to eliminate cockroaches naturallyIt is also considered one of the natural recipes for making a mixture of baking soda and sugar and putting it in the place where cockroaches are located, as it destroys the digestive system, so care must be taken to clean it and get rid of it. He. she.  The cockroach remains easily build-up after getting rid of it so that the smell of grease does not spread.

You can make a natural killer out of liquid soap and water by adding a few drops of soap to a warm water spray bottle and spraying it immediately on cockroaches, which will cause extreme dryness and difficulty breathing and kill them for good. 
Sodium bicarbonate is also a poisonous and deadly substance that kills cockroaches, if identical amounts of baking soda and sugar are mixed to make a homogeneous mixture, and it is also sprayed in places where cockroaches are sitting. 
And also the peeled cucumber, if it is put in an aluminum can with some petroleum jelly also in the place where the cockroach is, it will produce an unpleasant smell and kill the cockroach. 

Get rid of cockroaches in the house with vinegar
Although the use of household vinegar may not kill cockroaches, it is an effective weapon in keeping them away from you due to its strong smell, and vinegar has been proven to eliminate some types of germs carried by cockroaches, so be sure to spray and smell it. clean it. . . .