Broccoli-Cheddar Panera Soup is comfort food at its best and tastes just like Panera. This soup is an easy dinner that hits the spot and fast enough for a week. This broccoli cheese soup competes for the #1 soup recipe on this blog with Crockpot Potato Soup.

I know that Panera's Broccoli Cheddar Soup recipe has been circulating around the blogs but my job is to share recipes that I really like and this is one of them.

* Ingredients :

° 2-3 cups of fresh broccoli
° 1 cup small carrots, optional chopped
° 1 cup white onion, finely chopped (more can be used)
° 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
° 2 cups chicken broth
° All-purpose flour cup
° Half a teaspoon of salt
° 1 clove minced garlic
° Half a teaspoon of black pepper
° 1 cup heavy whipping cream
° 1½ cups shredded cheddar cheese
° 1 cup full fat milk
° ¼ cup smoked gouda cheese

* Directions : 

Ok let's start by just removing the heads of the broccoli it didn't have to be perfect, now I have a bowl of water. It's a little water, very small. You'll put the fresh broccoli right into this bowl.

Now we are ready to start steaming. So go ahead and get a plastic wrap. I hate Saran Rap so much. Go ahead and cover the bowl with plastic wrap. We'll microwave this for just seven to 10 minutes until it's soft and nice.

Now I have some chopped carrots and onions. Nice in a small bowl. I & have little chicken broth & little garlic. Go ahead and throw it all into a pot, bring it to a boil and leave it here for about 15 minutes then go ahead and set that aside, our broccoli looks lovely. We're going to make dices really fun. I love the big chunks of broccoli in Cheddar Broccoli Soup to cut it really well.

I made it and set it aside and here I have some heavy cream and some whole milk. Go ahead and add this milk to that and we're going to heat it up in the microwave until it's warm and then set it aside. and butter in a large pot. I am using a tabletop frying pan. When the butter melts, go ahead and mix it in the flour and keep whisking and keep going with you guys, now you'll add a little bit of salt and pepper. Just add a little flavor to it. Go ahead and waste that and make sure to keep an eye on the heat. We don't want to burn these things. Just keep moving the racket. Cook for about a minute, 1-2 minutes or so, then add the warm milk and heavy cream mixture. After about two minutes, it will thicken and become completely creamy in appearance.

Now we will add this broth mixture. Well, just pour this mixture in there and keep it with all that heavy cream. All that heavy cream is taking this thing beautifully. Well, now for the cheese. I use sharp cheddar cheese and some smoked goodness. You can use any type of cheese. You want to make sure you use sharp cheese. Well, that smokes a quality. Gosh. Yes, it tastes a lot. I should put some bacon and this stuff is really good in it. So don't be afraid to smoke gouda. I go ahead and turn it on until the cheese melts and then finally the broccoli. Go ahead and throw in that cauliflower and you're done. I just made a bank of my dreaded homemade cheddar broccoli soup.

This is the texture I love here, thick and creamy. But if you like your broth a little thinner, keep adding some chicken broth if you want, like lots of chops in it. Go ahead and mash it up if you like. But that's it guys. An easy lunch is done, serve it airy and you are good to go.

Enjoy !